24th week vscode

Wheel settings

This week I tried to make my RabbitDial, a cheap alternative to Surface Dial, work with Visual Studio Code. I learnt a lot about how to make a VScode extension. But it turns out I can just simply add some keyboard bindings on the wheel settings. This link is about these settings. And this link talks about develop an C# APP.

These are the samples about making a VSCode extension.

And there are some cool surface dial compatible open-source projects. X-Knob. The code about sending Dial BLE signals might be useful.

TODOs on Rust

This week I bumped to an idea about graphql over FFI. I found some one published a post on ZhiHu.

Found a document about how to use Rust on Android, Link.

Three.js or Babylon.js

I checked a new tutorial about R3F. R3F has a component project called drei. But still, I think babylon.js has more build tools. And more features.

I has been following a guide project, it’s pretty old. I want to use react to refactor it.

Found a blog about game develop.

SwiftUI and RN

After WWDC, I think it’s time to learn some SwiftUI. I watched a playlist from Paul Hudson. Swift is an interesting language, I will dig further.

Also I checked out a tutorial about React Native, pretty simple.

The LAN does not work on Mac

I found my LAN driver can not work on Mac OS.

ssh login WSL2

This is a link about how to remotely login WSL2.