27th week: AUS 462

This week I applied AUS 462 visa, wish I can get it soon.


I finished the basic part. In the tutorial, position in terrain is no longer supported. And EngineView, which renders viewport on different canvases, is not supported. Snippet is a way to call shader from babylon server, but I don’t want to use that.

VSCode extension

Import Cost calculates the size of imported packages.

Some git errors

I bumped into a git error, some corrupted files in .git/objects. A simple way is just delete them.

find .git/objects/ -size 0 -delete

Dangling objects are tricky, this is the official solution.


I learnt some basic knowledge about SwiftUI. Still don’t know why people say it’s elegant.


ThreeJS can use CSS as it’s renderer. These are some examples:

Video Tutorials

Finished The Net Ninja’s Flutter Tutorial

Watching The Net Ninja’s GraphQL Tutorial now.

planing to watch TensorFlow 2.0 Course in Free Code Campus

and Rafa Tec XR’s web XR tutorial is in planing too.