Week 13: 3 Body and Steroids

Netflix’s Three Body Problem

Finally, The Three Body Problem is on Netflix. I used most of this week to watch the 8 episodes. Back in school, my professor used to strongly recommended this book. However, I don’t like the story.

Some of the changes in the series are out of my expectation.

Yes, the 5th episode is exciting. But don’t watch it during food time. The series still got some lacks. The story was too fast. When I just felt into the murders about the scientists then they started to talk about VR. When I finally follow up the VR part, and the story goes to Sophon. By the way, Sophon was too strong. It looks that it’s no need for Santis to come, Sophon can end the human race.


Another thing, remember I got a free HIV test last year? Yes I did more than that. Because I want to try some steroids. I know it’s not good for health. But I want to see how it works. This is my stack.

It’s cheap to get those in Thailand. Pharmacy is Meditech . Only cost me 3560 Baht. Injection is hard. It is extremely hard to extrude the drug into the syringe. And injection to the butt is hard. Thankful to the 30g needle, it’s not painful during the injection.


This week I tried to use LLaMa locally. I failed, got llama_model_loader: failed to load model error. Then I tried to use it in colab with replicate.

import replicate

pre_prompt =  "You are a helpful assistant. You do not respond as 'User' or pretend to be 'User'. You only respond once as 'Assistant'."
prompt_input = "What is python"

output = replicate.run("meta/llama-2-13b-chat",
                       input={"prompt": f"{pre_prompt} {prompt_input} Assistant: ",
                      "temperature": 0.1, "top_p": 0.9, "max_length": 128, "repetition_penalty": 1})

Kind of boring.


Remember that I want to use Edge impulse to make a workout tracker. Here is another solution, MediaPipe. It’s a library from Google. It’s free and open source. Here is a tutorial about it. I will try to use it next week.

WTF Academy

Also I am studying solidity on WTF Academy.