Week 19: Clerksons Farm
I just got an information, that I have to go back to China end of this month. So this whole week I was working on canceling my school VISA.
Clerksons Farm
Besides wasting so many money for me, this week actually has some good news that a new series of Clerkson’s Farm was out. This year Jeremy started a match with Kaleb. Kaleb as a manger to manage the farming fields and Jeremy started to work on the unfarmed fields. So this year was full of berry picking, pig bearing, deer hunting and mushrooms. So this years’ content is overwhelming. And some how watching a billionaire work days and night gave me satisfaction.
I used some time to learn tattooing. Still not dare to try on a human skin (my skin). I am trying some basic now, like triangle star shape. To make sure my stencil not so shaky.
Only one needle to finish my treatment. I still don’t have six packs if you are curious about that. However, the treatment is not for 6 packs. I do look more 3D like as the Youtuber, Dr James said about DECA. And yes, I kind of lost some part of interest on sex. It’s not E.D. When I watch some porn that used to enroll my interest, it won’t work. And because I inject in weeks, I turned energetic at the beginning of the week and switching back to 30 year old man at the end of the week. I still can’t say that steroids are good. At least 1 month PCT to wait for the answer.