Week 34: Dawn of the Master study
Very long week, so many first times.
The 20th, the Turkish Airline is awesome, I was on a Boeing 777 plane. They provided 2 meals and many presents like socks, eye pads etc. I can play game on the plane machine, listen to music with the earphone they provide. And everyone got a blanket.
Then the Istanbul Airport, they offer a meal for the turkish airline ticket. Well, the waiters were not happy with that. However, I still get one free meal. I don’t know many people are too strict for the airport. I think it was fine. I also slept for a while in that airport for free!!!!
The second flight was Air Bus 320. Pretty old plane. Still you can play games on that, like 2048. I strongly suggest not to play the angry birds.
I arrived at Tallinn at 6 P.M, met my study buddy Karl. Teared my traveling case. Turns out, part of it was glued on X.X. Karl kindly drove me to the old town. During which, I knew that most of Estonian bachelor program are only three years. Lucky bastard. Then I went to the hostel in old town. The hostel holds drinking games every night. It was very loud. But I slept pretty good thanks to the red eye flight. However, I jet lagged at 2 A.M, because it’s 7 A.M in China.
The 21st, I made an appointment to the Police station for TRP card. A card that actually provides free bus and some citizen benefits. But there were two things I was wrong.
- I made an appointment, like far away from the city center. Which some how is a good thing, that I bumped to the Tallinna Laulava. Where the singing revolution happened.
- because I didn’t read the instruction too well. I went there empty handed.
I guess two wrongs makes one right. I police officer provide me the form that I should fill back home. And because it’s suburb, there are not too many people to make TRPs. So I didn’t lose my appointment. It just the officer looks very strict. Like she was very disappointed at me. However, when everything was done. I got a very big smile and congratulation.
The 22nd, I did some groceries in Prisma, solaris and Rimi. Rimi is the cheapest super market.
The 23rd, rainy. I met a lot friends. I went to the museum of banned books. Listened some estonians sang Chinese song. And drink like 3 rounds in different kind bars. A local alcohol coffee. A normal bar with an open karaoke in it. My virgin open karaoke experience. An Irish jass bar, talked too many Chinese history with a lithuanian guy. I got all drunk.
The 24th. I moved out of hostel to the school dorm. I was like totally hang over I slept all day.
The 25th. I found a local asian food store. It only opens in afternoons. It very sunny about 28 degree. Erik, a norwegian friend said he is gonna die. However, all the International students got a big meet up. There were too many attendants made it looks like a parade. Even the boat on the shore blew for us. I’ve tried the water in the noon. So I jumped into the water with Erik. However, it’s coastal, I got a lot cut. But it was very funny and crazy.
And I met my roommate Svet. Very clean guy, who helped me clean the kitchen. Super expecting what will come the next week.