Week 37: Estonian and Russian

It is officially my first study week. Last week is kind of a try on every courses. So, today I am going to talk about my first impression on these classes.


I have chosen two languages, Estonian and Russian. Funny thing, the two languages are taught in different ways. In Estonian class, major things are playing games. it is so enjoyable but it needs more time off course.

This is the games we play. And this is a link to do self study.

The Russian class is a traditional one. Students need to answer questions one by one. But the teacher is nice. She sometimes sing opera for us. She keeps her Russian study in her blog.

And she is very strict on hand writing. I almost think a tablet is enough. I used to ask students from other countries. Turns out everyone have to study hand writing, like calligraphy. I used to think this is a communism thing.

basis of DLG

Right now, it is kind of boring. It is an prologue for my programme. Right now, this class is to get known with all the classmates. Turns out, there are more people with educational background than those with tech background.

Data Mining

Data Mining is not in my study module. But this is something I want to study. It is based on Probability Theory.

Digital Graphics and Sounds

The first class is about graphics, we are using p5.js. I used to learn p5.js from Dan Shiffman. I found it quite useless… I didn’t get into the shader part. Right now, the class is very easy, I want to dig deeper, give myself a higher standard.

Psychology for Games

This is another class I eager. As a developer, I have already have strong skills on coding. But to know what the user really need, this is what I am lack of.

In the class I will learn tons of psychology stuff. Every class I have to do a presentation of some thing.

Respect on European students

After one week study with my classmates. I realized that the students here in Europe have a different character. They have very close connection to their teachers. They will ask the teacher everything. And the teacher will try their best to answer. This is something not happening in China. Or maybe a lot eastern countries.