Another game jam without any gains. Last october, I attended TalTech Game jam, during the event, I did not finished the ...
I used almost whole week to make a p2p message project. The goal is to sent URLs from one device to another but without ...
I have been using Unity for a season now. Now I want to make a period conclusion on it, especially on web. Before using...
Actually there are not many discovery this week. So I will write about Knytt Stories. It is a 2D plafformer game. And yo...
This week is the end of Unity pathway course. Finally, I finished the last two AR courses. Marker and plane. Marker is t...
Godot XR Gamejam This week is the voting week of Godot XR Gamejam 2025. I saw a lot good works. Your Hand Is A Dragon ...
This week I was doing a Godot XR GameJam. By doing this gamejam, I wanted to learn a little godot. Godot XR Godot XR t...
Unity VR This week, I went back to finish my Unity pathway. Now, it is VR part. Funny thing, during trying the unityVR,...
GGJ 2025 This week I finished the Global Game Jam I have long prepared. Sadly, I got nothing. But on the good side. I f...
I finished watching the Unity Pathway VR and AR part. Because the game jam is coming, I will put the work on hold for a ...
This week I finished the Unity Junior Programmer pathway. It is 40+ hours pathway. But as I have many experiences in pro...
This is the second week of 2025, I booked a bank card in Estonia. But the card is not yet here. I will talk about it whe...
Thailand The first half year, I was working in Thailand. Recently, there is a trend that the developers are moving to T...
This week I was majorly taking care of my friend's pets. A dog and a cat. However, It is not a very easy work. I have to...
This week I was majorly doing data mining homework. I have to say, I have never used rapid miner before. I think this is...
Android XR was announced 2 days ago. It is still too early to try the device. But the XR emulator is now in the canary a...
The following content will add more description after Jan 17 2025. I got some more ideas after I tried Unity DOTS. Beca...
Flowise Last week I tried WhisperCPP. So I wanted to dig dipper, I tried langchain before. Now you can use flowise to m...
I will have a hackathon this weekend. But I will talk about whisper.cpp. It is a tool to transpile sound file into text....
This week I tried Meta's Spatial SDK. It is an Android Studio module that allows you to build XR experience for Meta Que...
This is my first Halloween. I dressed up with a white sheet from JYSK as a ghost. Because I can not find any costume sho...
This week is the mid-term. That means I have a week off. But a lot things happened this week. I went to the Estonian Pa...
I went to the XR Estonia meetup hold by EEVR. It is a two days session. Because there was a class in Friday. I have to s...
Game Jam is a hackathon for game development. It is a competition to make a game in a limited time. The time can be 24 h...
SIM Card SIM Card is very easy to get in Tallinn. R-Kiosk is the place to get them. It is like 711. If the SIM card is ...
Yes, today is also about studying Estonian and Russian. But more on AI side. Right now, both two languages are about the...
It is a week full of studying. But I have got some new game ideas. A digital board game, I decide to use ChatGPT as hel...
It is officially my first study week. Last week is kind of a try on every courses. So, today I am going to talk about my...
It was a very fast week. Most things are about clubs in ESN. ESN is a school union in Europe. Study how to use the libra...
Very long week, so many first times. The 20th, the Turkish Airline is awesome, I was on a Boeing 777 plane. They provid...
This week is my last week in China. Right now, I am in the Beijing Airport waiting for my plane to Istanbul. I always w...
End of the swift studies This week I was following the App DEV training. During the time I found some problems booth fr...
Last week, I decide to work through Apple's Develop in Swift tutorial. Because I had already learnt Swift UI, so I skipp...
Paris Olympic Opening Ceremony is so dreamy. ...
This week I rent a Mac mini from 人人租. It's only 10 yuan a day. I rent it for 30 days. I wanted to try the feeling of us...
Most of this week I was working on trying new ROM on my phone and tablet. I have wrote another article about this. I tri...
AI on Chrome You can run AI model on Chrome DEV. Just follow this link. Memory Leaking Better Stack has a good articl...
Customize a Media Pipe Model These weeks I was working on using media pipe. I only used those pre-trained models. Howev...
Earlier this year, I bought a galaxy watch with a lot workout tracker. However, there is one not included in them. A tra...
I almost finished nothing this week. Getting back home made me lazy or because my neighbor's TV was too loud, seriously ...
From Beijing's hot summer to the spring in Dalian, I am the only one wearing a summer outfit on the road. Asgard's Wrat...
Applying D-VISA I finished applying a visa to study in Estonia. Turns out I have to prepare following files. an applic...
This week, on my way from Bangkok to Beijing, I was on the Boeing 787-9. I was firstly arrived at Kunming at about 1 o'c...
What I did Finally, I start to pack my bag to leave Thailand. I want to use this article to summarize what I was doing ...
I just got an information, that I have to go back to China end of this month. So this whole week I was working on cancel...
If you own a Thailand bankcard, you can use Prompt Pay as payment, which uses QRCode as identification to transfer, like...
Thai language exam Just finished a Thai language exam. Learnt some Thai words from PrayutChen. Pack PWA to Quest PWA ...
Meta Layout Meta finally got its toolkit application, Meta Layout. Which uses the raydar to detect the environments and...
I just came back from the Songkran Festival Parade held in Silom Road. Songkran festival is the new year of Thailand. In...
Health on wearables This week I dig deeper on the deadlift tracker tutorial. Turns out gym workouts like deadlift, squa...
Netflix's Three Body Problem Finally, The Three Body Problem is on Netflix. I used most of this week to watch the 8 epi...
Meta Blocks Meta provide a All in One XR toolkit to make building AR/VR app easier. You don't need to make many configu...
After 2 weeks' waiting, I finally received my Galaxy Watch 6 Classic on Thursday. I tried it for some days. There are pr...
Last week I learnt how to make a wearOS app. This week, I tried to learn how to make a watchOS app. It is a note app tut...
Github Actions to build ipa and apk files My two project cost-count and pasa-thai supports android and iPhone. I used t...
This week is my second week of Thai language, majorly focusing on time and numbers. Need to remember a lot words. Instea...
Overview This week I extended my VISA, went to a Thai language class. I fixed some bugs in Cost Count App and updated t...
In 2023/05/29, I wrote about how to use graphql-yoga in cloudflare worker. This week I tried to make another API and use...
I wrote my first iOS app with Expo Go. Using ignite as boilerplate. Thanks to copilot, App icon and splash screen were m...
Since I can't be an Apple Developer, and I can't sell my phone and watch to change back to android. I tried to hack it i...
This week, I tried to apply for an Apple Developer Account, but I failed. Turns out there is someone already used my ID ...
I worked almost whole week to port my mobile number to CMLink, well, I failed. So, I will keep my old number to this Mar...
Malls in Bangkok Seven Eleven 711 is everywhere in Thailand. Differently to China, most goods are cheaper. I bought so...
What I did in 2023 I was using a quest2 and I learnt some basic unity tools. I find out a framework called Astro. I bou...
This week, I was living in Hua lan pong in bangkok. Sometime I go to the lumpini park near silom. After some research, I...
I am in bangkok today! Preparation E-VISA Return Ticket Hotel Booking Trip Itinerary 5000 RMB in Bank Job Certifi...
I've applied some schools. This week I'll be getting ready for my trip to Thailand. ...
Applied some schools, not too much to say, waiting for the results. ...
eVISA I am still waiting the VISA to be approved. There are some documents to be prepared. At least 2,000 RMB in bank ...
Growgen.xyz made a list of the things still left to be done in the old todo file. Astro language support Astro uses s...
What I bought Bougt a GaN charger, because I do not have enough type-c charger. Astro Turns out there are a lot stric...
Got my HSBC card, it seem a PIN code still on the way. Installed several "mainland China Only" browsers on Hyper-V, to ...
Got back from Hong Kong, Sold my old Quest 2. My bank card is locked, I will find out why next week. I also need to rebu...
Bankcards I applied HSBC, BoCHK, ZA Bank, Livi Bank, And Bank and Airstar Bank. I didn't get a card from HSBC. The othe...
prepared my trip. ...
Apple Watch I bought an Apple Watch SE2. Yes, it's been a long time since I used a real smart watch. I used pebble time...
IELTS Got a 7 in IELTS test! Hooooray! OpenCore Two weeks ago, I bought a new laptop, ASUS Pro Art 16. Thus, I decide...
keep everything for IELTS test ...
public social fund This is how to cash out the money from the public social fund. This is the map. A HK SIM Card club...
WebComponent lit is a good web component library. To use it in typescript need decorators. View Transition Astro.js s...
IELTS I started using IELTS premium this week. Babylon.js This week I found out that react-babylon.js doesn't support...
This week is my last chance to get a NZ WHV visa of my life. I didn't get it, sad. I wrote a page as a meme about Twitt...
CSS in JS is back Kuma UI is a compiler time CSS in JS library. It is a better alternative to Tailwind CSS. It can be u...
Google Geo-Spatial Firstly, I didn't get the permission, this API is not opened for mainland China. I need a abroad VIS...
Tensorflow This week I tried to reuse tensorflow using the MNIST tutorial. It is much useful than years before. So I'm ...
This week I applied AUS 462 visa, wish I can get it soon. React-BabylonJS I finished the basic part. In the tutorial, ...
Babylon tutorial plan This week,I've finished the babylon tutorial. Collected a lot courses. About using a physical en...
This week is all about BabylonJS. I was trying to refactor Summer Festival using react-babylonjs and @preact/signals-rea...
Wheel settings This week I tried to make my RabbitDial, a cheap alternative to Surface Dial, work with Visual Studio Co...
I read 计算机底层的秘密, it's literally a book like CSAPP, but has more technology and less caculations. Differences between pr...
I added web sync on qwerty-learner, it's now available on this site. This week I bought a lot fans to nake sure my devi...
I've been working on adding a backend for qwert-learner. To keep this App a static site, I decided to ditch the Restful...
Watched The Long Season, nice story about the life of northeast China. Watched The Super Mario Movie, funny movie. Tri...
Tried AImoji this week, using stable diffusion to generate emoji. Try this video to learn more about training a picture....
Got My iPhone finally. tried Memoji, can't generate one from my photo, sad. I can send it to wechat. iPhone don't have...
last week, I tried using different GUI frameworks to build a vcode form. AntD is a fully packed react component library...
whole week waiting for the new iPhone, yet got a broken one... Finished the BFE.com CSS, ts & react part. ...
About GPU I bought a GPU this week, first GPU in my life. A computing card Tesla P40. Can read How to use tesla P40 to ...
Still working on BFE.com. Watched Tetris, Great story about how an American sales man brought Tetris from Soviet Union t...
Nothing new, still working on BFE.com. Watched Ted Lasso, Inspiring. ...
This week I mostly work on BFE.com, finished about 30% questions. Last week I bought GLinet router, a router runs openwr...
This week, I bought Virtual Desktop to try Steam VR. I also tried to use the Dev Container to develop the project. I fou...
I'm not satisfied with this week's work, I didn't finish the typingclub.com. It gets harder as I push farther. I need to...
I finished The Clarkson Farm this week. It's a comedy TV series. It's about an English TV billionaire who started farmin...
I bought an 1TB SSD for 288 yuan. It's so cheap. I'm going to use it as a Windows drive, leaving the 500GB to use Mac OS...
My Mac is super lagged this week. After some research, I have to use wifi-direct in Immersed VR. Simple, if you have a P...
Well, I bought a K375s. Yes, I've gave up my touch typing plan. And I will keep practising it recently. The Chinese WHV...
Most days in this week, I kept practising touch typing on typeclub. Now, I can type the alphabets better, but the symbol...
Happy Luna/Chinese new year! first week I bought Oculus Quest 2 started my first experience in Immersed VR. second wee...
This week I configured some bugs in my nvim preferences. Next week I will try to use it as my main editor. Still workin...
This is the first week of 2013. A lot of stuff happened. I received Quest2 and started my first metaverse experience in ...
One hell of a year. This year, the government finally gave up its 2-COVID policy. Russia is invading Ukraine, and I just...
大概有两个月没有更新了,昨天回家缓了一天,今天感觉怎么滴得更新一下情况,就写了这一篇。 今年的主题两个字「考研」,这是我环游中国之后的第二阶段的开始阶段,即使已经 28 岁了,我还是希望能够完成它。总体来说不太好,哈哈,毕竟是第一次,在太...
过去的四五六七月份都没有做记录,原因是正在进行考研的第一轮复习,生活太规律基本没什么特色,不过最近觉得没有规划还是有点乏味,所以恢复每月的计划内容了。 回顾 那么过去四个月,除了学习之外,做一下总结。 旅行,去旅顺老虎尾,去夏家河子冲...
这个三月的计划来得有点晚,因为我想要先把线性代数的内容结束,拖了一些。 二月完成内容 学会 latex 使用 anki 背单词 使用 anki 背五十音 完成线性代数 去了自然博物馆 使用 keybr 和 codespeed ...
一月内容 学习:完成 rust with many lists 学习:复习 TS 学习:学习 XState,可惜目前无法实现图形化编辑状态机,哪怕是 SCXML 也没有完美的工具,期待这个库的发展。 工具:开始使用 Powershe...
珠海 - 146 6 月 28 日(周日),蛇口 10:00-珠海横琴 11:30,中途会路过港珠澳大桥 65 元(已付) 横琴码头附近貌似有麦当劳,到横琴湾酒店或者马戏酒店,可以搭乘机场横琴线,36 元。 珠海梦海公寓酒店,(45 ...
目测是全年最糟心的一个月了,主要是涉及了闲鱼上卖东西,还意外发现了一个长达一年的上当故事。 6 月计划完成情况 全部完成!撒花~ 这个月完成了 flutter 的系统学习,不仅仅在移动端,甚至考虑到可穿戴+桌面端的开发,另外揭示 Ru...
一年的 1/3 已经结束了,而且距离离开深圳仅剩两个月了。 计划完成情况 (完成)读完 threejs fundamentals (完成)为博客增加 category 子项 (完成)测试服务器上的 strapi (进行中)背完阅读...
又到了每个月打脸的时间了,首先,住司徒正美大大颈椎病早日康复,在 Qunar 的时候有幸听过分享,虽然方言很重,但是因此对 MVVM 有所了解。前几天 jellow 里面有人问大家 Q1 计划完成了没有,我觉得比较有趣,那么以后每三个月做一...
整理一下整个二月完全在家窝着的结果。 回顾一下一月计划的完成情况 (完成)蛋白粉买了 (完成)整理爬虫+单侧(写完了) (进行中)rust 开发前端,完成了一部份,还差个成果 (重判中)写了个 hello world 的 flut...
话说这个月吃瓜不少。 长江白鳍豚灭绝 澳洲大火 戈恩逃离日本 川普一炮炸了伊朗二号人物 湾湾大选 伊朗炸加拿大飞机,伊朗道歉 患者家属砍死医生,医院道歉 木兰编程语言抄袭,实验室道歉 警方诬告 8 名医生造谣 SARS 传...
我知道还差一天,但是我觉得今天是比较好的总结时间了。总的来说今年立了不少 flag,也摘了不少。虽然来深圳是为了学习项目管理,我至今觉得 Aftership 的项目管理是可敬的。但是今年我的个人管理算是屎了,太多想要的一下子挤爆了我的时间,...
淫乱的十月结束了,手上攒了一堆没剪的 vlog 和计划。 说一下感受吧 十月是裸辞的第一个月,按计划就是狂玩一个月,所以最后这个月整的我是遍体鳞伤,但是真心开心。可以说,在过去的一年里,完全没有经历过这种无拘无束。我曾参考过各种管理方式...
其实八月还差那么几天那,但是由于今年的八月计划还没有写八月快结束了,不得不赶紧写九月了。那么就算七月和八月一个夏天的总结吧。 七月和八月做了什么 真真地逛了华强北,买了很多零件 不仅学会了平衡车还送回去维修了一下 看了江西海昏侯的展...
因为整个六月底都是在找房子,所以导致本月计划晚了整整两周/(ㄒ o ㄒ)/~~ 上个月回顾 \[完成] 凯里之行完美收官,贵州果然值得一去 \[完成] 搬家,算是完成了半个吧,后面包括搬家,装饰到除虫大概花了两三周 \[未完成] 安...
回顾一下竟然过去一个月都没写博客,也没什么原因,虽然也发生了好多东西,但是一直没腾出时间去记录它。 说说这个月发生了什么,我有从后端调到了前端了,其实是打算辞职的哈哈,很简单,如果你翻到我去年的计划,我是打算工作一年后端的,现在来看,也快...
匆忙的一月结束啦,总结一下做了什么。 一月去广州旅行一次,看了古墓,完美! 读了两篇刘慈欣小说,《流浪地球》,假设太阳即将氦闪人类带地球逃到比邻星的故事和《西洋》,假设郑成功发现美洲的故事。 推荐电台《文曰小强》,有很多科幻作品。 ...
说说过去这个月吧 我换平板了,跟了我 3 年的 iwork 8 终于被我宣判退休,没办法啊 x86 的系统,2GB 内存,32GB 的硬盘,实在不能支持现在的工作啊。 新平板还是酷比魔方的,mix plus 虽说做工不怎么样,可是价格真...
不知不觉,已经来深圳两个月了,今天爬南山的时候,还在感叹上个月的山竹台风,殊不知已经是大上个月的事情了。 工作上 工作上算是有点不舒心了,临时被调去前端那里辅助几个接口,因为不太了解项目,再加上前端那里也都是新人,最后竟变成了我熟悉项目...
计划完成情况 用 magicaVoxel 做的头像已经投入使用啦,至于博客头像的话,看心情 打算做的 vscode 插件,现在来看并不是很着急,有时间再做咯 公司里面已经有一个项目是从 google-drive 取数据到项目里面了,但...
这个月进入了新的工作环境,从事于 Node 开发,工作环境确实是英文。 说说不太适应的地方,这里对文档要求真是严格,往往逐字逐句细究,我已经入职了两周了,除了上传了一个 lambda 方法,大部分时间是处理文档(惨)。 感觉工作流程可以...
回顾下上个月的计划 小程序:这个月,提交了小程序,然而审核没通过(提交类型写的是旅游...应该写办公就好了。) ReactNative: 不打算做了,反正也写过,没啥新鲜感,这个月听了 flutter 的分享,考虑看一下,环境已经部署好...
完成情况 blender 已经完全熟练了, 甚至包括如何使用 threeJS 来调用,好欣慰啊(哈哈)。 《雅思写作》还没背完, 日语也是, 读书也是, 看来计划上还是有些不完美。 1h 跑完 10km 已经不是问题了,现在基本上刷滑...
雅思考试 算是个模拟吧,总之从头至尾很尴尬,估计分数不高,反正有机会今年还会再考。 纹身 最后选择了黑色孤儿 Cosima 的鹦鹉螺纹,纹了 1 个小时,800 就这么交代了。。。 读书 因为大部分时间在准备雅思(其实就是为雅思忐...
不知不觉二月结束了,20%已经结束了!!! 读书 这个月完成了《雅思词汇》红宝书,只能说词汇联想法脑洞太大,三月必须做模拟卷了,不然就晚了。 健身 天气暖和了,可以出去跑步了。 技术 完成了 PixiJS 的试炼,三月准备开始 ...
2017 结束了, 本命年结束啦, 呜啦啦啦~ 年初一部电影la la land最后有一段蒙太奇的 Rewind, 今年要过去了,我也 rewind 一下. 一月·2016 年的尾巴 旅行·南京 仔细地逛了南京,六朝博物馆,南京博物...